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14/02/21 08:07
شناسه خبر : 555

South Azerbaijani Activists Arrested on World Mother Language Day

According to recent reports, more than a hundred South Azerbaijani activists have been arrested by the security forces of the Iranian regime (Ettelaat) in the South Azerbaijani city of Ahar (Əhər). The peaceful group of S. Azerbaijani human rights activists had gathered on February 20 to commemorate World Mother Language Day, and to discuss the […] ...

According to recent reports, more than a hundred South Azerbaijani activists have been arrested by the security forces of the Iranian regime (Ettelaat) in the South Azerbaijani city of Ahar (Əhər).

The peaceful group of S. Azerbaijani human rights activists had gathered on February 20 to commemorate World Mother Language Day, and to discuss the current situation in Iran, where non-Persian ethnic are banned from learning their mother tongue and are forced to study Persian at schools. The security forces of the Mullah regime raided the house where the gathering occurred, and took many peaceful activists to unknown locations.


Some of the names of the activists who have been arrested are as follows: Saleh Molla Abbasi, İbrahim Rəşidi (Ibraheem Rashidi), Abbas Lisani, Fərdin Muradpur (Fardin Muradpour, Əsgər Əkbərzadə (Asgar Akbarzadeh), Əkbər Əbulzadə (Akbar Abdulzadeh), Mortəza Səfəri (Murtaza Safari), Həsən Zareyi (Hasan Zareyee), Aydin Nişati (Aydeen Neshatee), Qulam Rəhimi (Gholam Rahimi), Nima Əbbaspur, Vəhid Nəriman, Səccad Əbdi, Fərəc Nuri, İsrafil Fətullahzade, Səccad Xəlilinejad (Nima Abbaspour), Mortəza Mohəmmədi (Mortaza Mohammadi), Siyamək Feyzi (Siyamak Feyzee), Səccad Xoşqədəm (Sajjad Khoshghadam), and…

More updates on the issue will be given as we are notified by sources in South Azerbaijan.

South Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement (SANAM)